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XL2 Spectral Limits Option activated in MyNTi StockroomXL2 Spectral Limits Option activated in MyNTi StockroomXL2 Spectral Limits Option activated in MyNTi Stockroom

XL2 Spectral Limits Option activated in MyNTi Stockroom




NTi Audio #: 600 000 376 XL2 Spectral Limits Option activated in MyNTi Stockroom Options for XL2 Analyzer ยี่ห้อ NTi


    XL2-SLP | ฟังก์ชั่นการวัด

    XL2 Spectral Limits Option

    *activated in MyNTi Stockroom

    XL2-SLP | ข้อมูลจำเพาะ

    • FFT and 1/12 octave function

    — Comparing measurement results against

    captures with relative or absolute curve


    — Comprehensive tolerance handling with

    tolerance masks based on captures for

    passed/failed measurements

    • 1/12 octave function

    — High-resolution spectral analyzer

    1/12 Oct + Tol

    — Selectable 1/1, 1/3, 1/6 and 1/12

    octave resolution

    — Frequency band listening at rear speaker

    and headphone

    — Sound Mode: 11.5 Hz to 21.8 kHz

    — Vibration mode: 0.73 Hz to 1.36 kHz

    • FFT function

    High-resolution Zoom FFT with selectable

    frequency ranges and resolution up to 0.4 Hz

    in the range from

    — Sound mode: 5 Hz to 20 kHz

    — Vibration mode: 1 Hz to 20 kHz

    • SLMeter / RTA function

    True peak level in 1/1 and 1/3 octave resolution

    • Noise Curves

    accordance to ANSI S12.2-2019, -1995 and

    ISO 1996