มีย่านความถี่ให้เลือก 100MHz แบบ 2 ช่องสัญญาณ ฟังก์ชั่นแสดงผล การไล่ระดับสี 256 สี เพื่อเสริมประสิทธิภาพในการแสดงผลรูปคลื่น
GDS-1102B ฟังก์ชั่นการวัด
เครื่องมือวัดทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ที่สำคัญอีกชนิดหนี่งที่ใช้ในการวัดแสดง รูปคลื่นสัญญาณต่างๆ ออกมาเป็นภาพ ปรากฎบนจอหลอดภาพให้เห็นได้
GDS-1102B จุดเด่น
- 200/100/70MHz bandwidth selections, 2ch input
- 100/70/50MHz bandwidth selections, 4ch input
- 1GSa/s maximum sampling rate
- 10M maximum memory depth for each channel
- 7” 800 x 480 WVGA LCD display
- 256 color gradient display function to strengthen waveform performance
- I2C/SPI/UART/CAN/LIN serial bus trigger and decoding functions
- 1Mpts FFT frequency domain signal display
- Zero Key function for horizontal time, vertical voltage and triggering
- Compact and innovative exterior design
GDS-1102B Power Supply
5V DC, USB or auxiliary power input
GDS-1102B ขนาดสินค้า
Dimensions 380mmX208mmX127.3mm
Weight 2.8kg
GDS-1102B อุปกรณ์ที่มาในชุด
User manual CD x 1,
Power cord x 1
GTP-100B-4 : 100MHz(10:1/1:1) Switchable passive probe for (one per channel)
GDS-1104B, GDS-1102B GTP-200B-4 : 200MHz(10:1/1:1) Switchable passive probe for (one per channel)
GDS-1102B อุปกรณ์เสริม
GRA-426 Rack Adapter Panel
GAK-003 500 Impedance Adapter
GSC-008 Soft Carrying Case
GTL-246 USB Cable, USB 2.0,
A-B Type, 1200mm
GCP-300 300kHz/200A Current probe
GCP-530 50MHz/30A Current probe
GCP-500 500kHz/150A Current probe
GCP-1030 100MHz/30A Current probe
GCP-1000 1MHz/7A Current probe
GCP-206P Power supply for current probe
(2 input channel)
GCP-425P Power supply for current probe
(4 input channel)
GTP-033A Oscilloscope Probe, 35MHz
1:1 Passive Probe, BNC(P/M)
GDP-025 2 25MHz High voltage differential probe
GDP-050 50MHz High voltage differential probe
GDP-100 100MHz High voltage differential probe
Free Download
Software OpenWave Software
Driver USB Driver ; LabView Driver
GDS-1102B ข้อมูลจำเพาะ
Vertical Sensitivity Resolution 8 bit :1mV*~10V/div
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Input Impedance 1MΩ// 16pF approx.
DC Gain Accuracy* ±3%
Polarity Normal & Invert
Maximum Input Voltage 300Vrms, CAT I (300Vrms CAT II with GTP‐070B‐ 4/100B‐4 10:1 probe)
Offset Position Range
1mV/div : ±1.25V
2mV/div ~ 100mV/div : ±2.5V
200mV/div ~ 10V/div : ±125V
Waveform Signal Process
Plus, ‐, ×, ÷, FFT, FFTrms, User Defined Expression FFT: Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman‐ Harris
Source CH1, CH2, CH3*, CH4*, Line, EXT** *four channel models only.
Trigger Mode
Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single Sequence
Trigger Type
Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Pulse Runt, Rise & Fall, Timeout, Alternate, Event‐Delay(1~65535 events), Time‐Delay(Duration, 4nS~10S)
Holdoff range
4ns to 10s
AC, DC, LF rej., HFrej., Noise rej.
External Trigger
Range ±2.5V
Sensitivity DC ~ 100MHz Approx. 100mV 100MHz ~ 200MHz Approx. 150mV
Input Impedance 1MΩ±3%~16pF
Time base Range 5ns/div ~ 100s/div (1‐2‐5 increments)
ROLL: 100ms/div ~ 100s/div
Pre‐trigger 10 div maximum
Post‐trigger 2,000,000 div maximum
Timebase Accuracy ±50 ppm over any ≥ 1 ms time interval
Real Time Sampling Rate 1GSa/s max.
Record Length Max. 10Mpts
Acquisition Mode Normal, Average, Peak Detect, Single
Peak Detection 2nS (typical)
Average selectable from 2 to 256
X‐Y Mode
X‐Axis Input
Channel 1; Channel 3*
*four channel models only
Y‐Axis Input
Channel2; Channel 4*
*four channel models only
Phase Shift
±3° at 100kHz
Cursors and Measurement
Cursors Amplitude, Time, Gating available; Unit: Seconds(s), Hz(1/s), Phase(degree), Ration(%)
Automatic Measurement
36 sets: Pk‐Pk, Max, Min, Amplitude, High, Low, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Area, Cycle Area, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot, Frequency, Period, RiseTime, FallTime, +Width, ‐Width, Duty Cycle, +Pulses, ‐Pulses, +Edges, ‐Edges, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF, Phase
Cursors measurement
Voltage difference between cursors ( ΔV) Time difference between cursors ( ΔT)
Auto counter
6 digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth